This summer, my 8 year-old daughter, Brooklyn, slept-walked for the first time in her life while we were on vacation in California and walked right over a 12-foot loft with railing. It was terrifying and one of the scariest moments as a mother.
She was rushed to the Children’s Hospital and diagnosed with a lacerated lung/internal bleeding and a broken pelvis. After she spent time in the ICU she was transferred to spend additional time on the children’s floor. We met the nicest volunteers and hospital staff. After receiving so many sweet gifts in the hospital (from friends and volunteers) and at home, she has been wanting to give back.
Brooklyn decided she would invite a handful of friends over and make at least 100 rainbow loom bracelets (they ended up making 118 and later received more donations from girls)to donate to the Children’s Hospital here in Vegas next week. Each one is put in a baggy with a tag that explains that “it’s like a little hug around your wrist” and wishes the child well and lets them know they are being thought of. We had hot chocolate, treats, occasional dance parties to take a break, and some major singing to Christmas songs. Every time a bracelet was finished and put into the pile, the girls would shout the number and then all scream “woohoo”!! It was so fun and I got choked up when they commented how good it felt to do something for sick children. The funniest comment was after Brooklyn reminded them to make both boys AND girls colors. This girl said, “We should just make more boy bracelets though because there are probably more boys in the hospital. They’re like really crazy and do stupid things and hurt themselves all the time!” LOL!! There just might be some truth to this and if you have a boy, you might just agree haha!
Love this girl to pieces. So happy she’s all better from her scary accident. She is such a strong little girl and I can’t tell you how worried we all were. Glad shes happy and healthy!!