There’s a primary song that I learned as a child growing up in church. It consists of 2 lines and very simple to learn but has stuck with me forever…“I want to be kind to everyone, for that is right you see! So I say to myself, remember this….Kindness begins with me!”
I knew at a young age that I loved people; I was a “people-person”. I liked to feel good about myself but I really liked the way it felt to help others feel that way about themselves and to see the beauty in them that I saw in them. To this day, I can’t walk past a stranger in a restaurant, grocery store, my childrens’ school, or anywhere it may be and not tell them “That color is gorgeous on you” or “You have a beautiful smile” or “Your kids are so darling and well-behaved” or “You are the nicest cashier and just make my day happy! I wish all cashiers could have the talent you do for making others feel good!” My husband will tell you I LOVE to serve. It is true. It’s partly selfish because, although, I know it makes someone else feel good and loved….I feel elated and happy to serve THEM. It fills MY soul with joy.
How often do we think about saying or doing something kind and we don’t. We don’t want to make the effort OR we worry about other people’s reactions or feeling silly. But have you thought about how your little bit of kindness can make such a HUGE impact on others? I’ve been surprised at the reaction of those who have benefitted from a kind comment or small act of service from me. And even more…..I’ve been surprised and overwhelmed at the impact I feel when others take just a moment to write me a sweet card to share their love for me or pay me a nice compliment or reach out to serve me. It is HUGE! Not only do I feel loved by them, I feel love from my Heavenly Father and know that He is watching over me and blessing me through the kindness of others around me.
On that note….a friend sent this short but beautiful documentary on a family whose kindness and love for others also helped them heal and helped them through a difficult time. I am so touched by this I just had to share, PLEASE grab a tissue and take 15 minutes to watch this!
You know it’s funny how things happen! I got into my car after working this video and heard Tim mcgraws new song always stay humble and kind!
Oh what fun timing! I just heard that song and watched the video a few weeks ago and LOVED it! 🙂
Loved this video! What a true gift to see it today! Thank you!
Oh good, I’m so glad Victoria! I loved it as well. Thanks for stopping by 🙂