Earlier this year (on February 15, 2020 to be exact), we brought home our sweet new puppy, Gracie. She was 3 months and just under 2 pounds. Gracie is a purebred Maltese that we like to call “Gracie Girl” or “Gracie Lou Freebush” or “Angel Baby” or “Fur Ball of Love”, etc. Hahaha!!! I won’t bore you with ALL our many cute nicknames we come up with but I’ll let you imagine all 4 of us (yes – even my husband Josh) saying them all in high-pitched cutesy voices. It’s ridiculous and we love it. We had a long sad year after having to put down our first family dog, Giorgio (Yorkshire Terrier), last year in March at just a month short of 15 years-old and it took a long time to open our hearts again. We didn’t know if we’d ever get there but we did. Gracie couldn’t be sweeter and more precious and now today (after months of promising you) I’m sharing all of the most fabulous girl puppy and dog essentials and accessories. I’m sure I’ll be updating this post too, as we take more pics and buy more things. We are constantly buying stuff and playing dress-up but we don’t always get the best pics when we want, haha.
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In bringing home our new puppy, it was just like 16 years ago in that we needed bowls and food and treats, beds, blankets, toys, grooming products, training essentials, etc. Last time we had a male dog and we didn’t go overboard but felt we spoiled him plenty. However, having a girl dog…well, that’s like playing dress-up with your Barbie dolls…ha! I may have gone a bit crazy with all the toys and clothes and collars and accessories and bows, etc. So…while I couldn’t possibly share every single thing I’ve bought her so far in one post, I can come pretty close and break them down into categories.
Fabulous Designer-Inspired & Pop Culture Chew Toys For Dogs

She was such a cute little shaggy pup when we brought her home. I didn’t know what to do with her but make a quick blush satin bow with rhinestones and put it on her head.
As soon as I found out we were bringing Gracie home, I found these toys and bought them ALL.
They were too fun.
I love the designer-inspired toys. I really do NOT care for the toys in primary colors all over the house so I’d rather have stylish toys. This is Gracie’s favorite ball to play fetch with. It’s squishy and doesn’t hit the ball hard and wake the house up when we throw it and play in the mornings and it’s easy for her to pick up at such a small size.
Same with her little Chewy Vuiton pawbag ha! She’ll walk around with it or hang off the sofa with it. Cutest thing ever!
What pup doesn’t need a designer-inspired bag right?! I can’t get over the cuteness!
She has 7 or 8 but who’s counting lol!
This might be one of her favorite chew toys also…this Chewy Vuiton bone chew toy. She likes sleeping with them, usually with her arms wrapped around them. I love this pic of her and Beckham sleeping but cropped his face out, as I’m sure he appreciate for this post.
Marilyn was right, diamonds really ARE a girls’ best friend. This Vanderpump diamond ring chew toy is so cute right?!
Click on arrows to scroll right and left and on pics below to shop.
Click on arrows to scroll right and left and on pics below to shop.
Click on arrows to scroll right and left and on pics below to shop.
Chic Girl Dog Clothing
This little blue spring dress for Gracie was a no-brainer when I realized she’d be coordinating so beautifully with all my spring/summer decor. Isn’t it so cute on her with the blue and white ruffles?!
I have sooooo many outfits for Gracie but rarely stop and get a pic on my good camera like I should. OR she doesn’t always cooperate ha! She wants to be on my lap and not sitting on the sofa when I’m taking the pic.
Click on arrows to scroll right and left and on pics below to shop.
Girl Dog Hair Accessories
There’s nothing cuter than a hair bow on a dog! I like finding designer ribbon (I like searching Etsy for “Chanel ribbon by the yard“) and making my own little bows and gluing them with high-temp hot glue to tiny mini alligator clips that stay in her hair that she can’t shake out. You can also search Dior, YSL, Louis Vuitton, Tiffany ribbon by the yard, Designer ribbon by the yard, etc.
Of course, it’s always nice to buy bows that are pre-made and ready-to-go so click on the pics below and scroll left and right for lots of other options.
Girl Dog Collars, Leashes & Tags
These are just two of Gracie’s glam puppy collars. They look like necklaces, don’t they?! I have some pretty ones, and these, linked below.
Fabulous Dog Beds & Play Pens
I’ve been asked a zillion times where I got this gorgeous acrylic bed. I found it a few years ago at HomeGoods. There’s no brand name on it. However, at the bottom of this section I have a few other similar options like it linked, as well as some other beautiful and more affordable pet beds.
I love this puppy play pen. When we can’t watch her and are all busy and I’m making dinner and are training her and can’t pay close attention, we put her in here for a nap or let her play with toys. She loves it. We’ll keep the door open through the day and she loves it, like her crate.
It’s super light and folds up easily, even though it’s very sturdy and stays up well, and when we want it put away, we can put it away.
Favorite Dog Teething Rings & Dog Treats
Ok I’m all about grain-free when it comes to everyday treats. From all the research I’ve done, it not only seems like the best way to go for my dog BUT it also (I’ve noticed) keeps her red tear stains away, or very very minimal. That’s a thing this Maltese breed constantly battles.
These are mini training treats we give her. They’re small and grain-free and she loves them.
These are the meat chew rings that we SWEAR BY! Omgosh these are heaven-sent! I stumbled upon them before we brought her home and so glad I decided to try them out at the cash register and now by them online by subscription. They keep her from chewing on any shoes or anything else in the house and from chewing on our hands and nose. Puppies love to do that. She hasn’t chewed any rugs or baseboards or furniture legs either. (I have some sad stories about our first married apartment with Giorgio. I sure wish I’d had these!)
Every once in a while we give her a Greenies dental chewing treat. Then to help fight the tear stains, we also have another treat that we give her once daily (NutraVet Chew).
These Wüfer Treat Boxes are such a fun way to order treats for your dog all year long and also make cute gifts too. You can order a box and pass some out to your neighborhood canine friends. Wouldn’t that be so cute?!
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