Let me just tell you how much I LOOOOVE my Diet Cokes! I could drink it all day, e’ry day! 🙂 But I know I need to drink more water. Now, I absolutely LOVE water when I’m working out and drink a ton of it then. To get myself drinking more water, I’m trying to give my water a little kick and make it more fun. I’ve found a bunch of different infused waters recently and also a couple of years ago when I gave up Diet Coke (for 8 months). I’ll never do that again haha! But I do need to drink a LOT more water. So here are some of my favorite ways to get that intake I need…..
Sparkling water is an acquired taste but after living in Portugal years ago, I really grew to love it and it’s great when you’re craving that carbonation from a soda. I add slices of lemon for another zing to it AND lemon has great health benefits.
Kiwi Water Ingredients:
3-4 ripe kiwis, peeled and thinly sliced (or crushed for more flavor)
2 quarts filtered or spring water
1. Add the sliced kiwis to a 64-ounce Mason jar or pitcher.
2. Add the filtered water.
3. Refrigerate until cold and enjoy.
Strawberry, Basil & Cucumber Ingredients:
3 basil leaves roughly chopped
1 strawberry sliced
3-5 slices of cucumber
Combine all the ingredients in a large glass, and let sit for at least 5 minutes before enjoying. And don’t be afraid of the basil….I promise it’s so good!
Raspberry Lemon Ingredients:
2 cups organic raspberries
8 cups spring or filtered water
1 large organic lemon, cut into half-inch slices
2 dried Medjool dates
1 gallon clean glass jar with lid
1. Place raspberries into the bottom of your jar. Add the dates, then layer the lemon slices on top. Pour water into jar and place lid on top. Even if you don’t love to eat the dates, they bring a natural way to sweeten the water…it’s sooo good!
2. Place water into the refrigerator and let infuse for 1 hour.
Strawberry Orange & Mint Ingredients:
1/4 cup fresh mint
1/2 cup strawberries, sliced
1/2 orange, sliced
16 ounces filtered water
1. Place all fruits and herbs into the mason jar.
2. Fill to top with water.
3. Seal mason jar tightly and let it sit overnight in the refrigerator.
Good ‘Ole Strawberry & Basil (one of my absolute faves):
8 fresh strawberries
8 basil leaves
32 ounces filtered water
1. Place fruit and herbs into the mason jar.
2. Fill to top with water.
3. Seal mason jar tightly and let it sit overnight in the refrigerator.
Apple Cinnamon Ingredients:
5 thinly sliced apples
5 cinnamon sticks
64 ounces filtered water
1. Place all ingredients into large container.
2. Fill to top with water.
3. Seal mason jar tightly and let it sit overnight in the refrigerator.
Peach Pie Water Ingredients:
6 pitted and sliced peaches
2 vanilla beans gently crushed with wooden spatula
32 ounces filtered water
1. Place fruit and vanilla into the mason jar.
2. Fill to top with water.
3. Seal mason jar tightly and let it sit overnight in the refrigerator.
You can even infuse waters to create a LOVELY and delicious beverage at any event. I love how Occasions Catering displayed and served their infused waters!
How fun is this from Lauren Kelly Fitness? My kids would love it! I think I’ll be doing it this week.
I have done this before and my guests loved it! Such a great conversation starter 🙂
Also….I really like these VOSS waters because their opening is large enough to stuff fruit and herbs into and you can take them with you as you run out the door! Give it a try!
Hope this is a good start and inspires you to drink a LOT of water! I know it’s helped me so much. If you come up with your own blend that you love or find one that I haven’t mentioned, PLEASE share it in the comments below! I’d love to try it out!
xoxo, Summer
I love these ideas! I can’t wait to try the kiwi and the apple cinnamon idea is genius! Especially for fall 🙂
Thanks, Chrissy!! There are so many fun variations you can come up with. Have fun!
Love love love!
I do infused waters all the time! Strawberry basil is my fave too! I also love just a simple cucumber/lemon. I gotta admit I make mango/blueberry or lemon/blueberry the most though.(always have those fruits on hand)
I am gonna try the fizzy drinks! Thanks for that idea for summer! I love adding chia seeds to my water bottles for workouts or hikes! I really enjoyed this post.
Thanks so much, Carleeh! I can’t wait to try your faves! Have a fabulous week 🙂